Are you dreaming of something different? Something new? Striving for the best version of you and what you have to offer is always great, just don’t lose sight of what is right it front of you.
I have had many jobs in my life, some fun and interesting, and some boring and tedious. Each gave me knowledge and tools to be better the next time around.
The journey is the goal. The end is just that, the end. Stop and smell the roses. Live life. Be happy.
I feel tremendously lucky to spend each day helping others with their success, helping them to find joy, Santosha. Being able to share what I have learned and guiding people to see their own potential is just the best.
Read this article from Voyage Austin about my journey to my passion. Then, send me a DM or email and let’s discover your passion.
Loved the article and loved this post. Great words of wisdom.
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